Throw Yourself under the Bus?

Asif M Mehdi
2 min readJun 9, 2022

Throw yourself under the bus? It's tacky and unrealistic to just ponder on dreams while you miss the real essence of life. How do you describe what is best for you, and what you can do to make a difference in your professional life?

It all falls down to that little kick in your life that makes you move on to achieve every single detail, take a leap towards learning that skill to enhance your professional life.

Many of us are stagnant because of the comfort we gain in doing the easy work. It's important to catch up with your performance from time to time. Get yourself a critic who points out your flaws, and put your work to the test every day.

It's not like you don't want to grow, it's actually the steady life that holds you in a prison of satisfaction. There is nothing wrong with wanting a mediocre life and holding on to a steady income for sustaining your daily life. But what about your bigger goal?

The only solution to improvise your career growth would be to put yourself under the bus, fly away from your satisfaction and take that extra hour out of your comfort zone to brush up on your skillset.

It's never over until you stop believing in yourself! Take a review of your decisions and retrospect the life goals, maybe you never took that one step that would have changed your life. It's time to answer that soft knock, as a wise man said, “it’s dawn whenever you wake up”!



Asif M Mehdi

An overly extrovert towards writing my emotions, It can be a passage, poems, article or a short story. Enjoy reading.