Growing in the 20s

Asif M Mehdi
3 min readJan 11, 2021

The fine line of adulthood is separated by your teenage experience and the incoming of the responsibility of your life. It is understandable, that you want to do justice to your youth by enjoying the freedom of being cool and making a statement of your own. It is very vital to enjoying yourself with friends, surrounding your social group with intellectual, active, and caring people. However, the saga of life is that many young adults are dissolved in a loop of comfortability and are unaware that time is passing by while we still wish the present and future to be in the same shoes. In simple words, they say “live in present”. Living in present is good, but leaving your future in hands of time is foolishness!

Animals adapt to their surroundings and create a fundamental routine in seeking their livelihood. We, humans, are no different because we work to earn bread and butter, whereas we are more evolved and blessed to be superior in the food chain because of our growth. We evolved, and with the zeal to survive by making things easy, we innovated new technology, which never stopped. Such is a life of a person, if we are not learning new things and settling in for comfort because reading another book is too boring, meeting new people is time-wasting, and seeking to settle with the ego that faith has driven him to this position, will never let you understand your true self. It will just leave you with talking about other people’s life, playing the blame game, and taking shelter behind the large talks and no work.

This is a great time in the 21st century, where we can learn anything from our laptop. The motivation to learn new skills, making new connections, being present in the present while still carrying on with a fresh attitude of learning something new the next morning, will drive you one step closer to your goal. Your goal should be your satisfaction in being a person doing work for the betterment of humankind. Our education has given us a basic course to survive, while the real application starts with asking ourselves, what difference you want to make in your life? Unless one can change what he was at 20 to what he is at 26, he is practically entrapped within his habit. In this case, one would just go with the flow of someone’s suggestion or compulsion to survive. But question yourself today, Do you find yourself as a learner or are you just a mirage of another blind survivor?

Don’t worry, if you are in your late 20s, it’s never too late! Just start with making small changes in your routine. Change your bedsheet, arrange your cupboard, wash that pile of laundry, read 2 pages from the dusted book which you got on the new year, try to interact with someone new, and try to be honest with your decision because if you can’t be honest with your situation and action then you may just sleep over this article. Remember, small actions will change your routine and your routine will change your habit and once you change your habit, you will map out ways towards financial freedom, honest relationship, better carrier opportunities, and most importantly you will know what kind of person you are and no matter the challenges in life, you will always put up a fight with confidence.



Asif M Mehdi

An overly extrovert towards writing my emotions, It can be a passage, poems, article or a short story. Enjoy reading.